Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finding Rest...

Lately, God has been tugging at my heartstrings as he has been drawing me back to him.  Not that I ever 'left' him, but in the busy-ness of life, I have allowed my time and relationship with him to get pushed to the back.  I neglected my prayer life, my quiet times, and my bible study and my heart has suffered the consequences.  So, in the spirit of the new year, I have tried to reprioritize my life and make time for these things again.  Granted, I've only been doing this for two days, but my heart and my spirit are already so refreshed!  This morning's passage in my little devotional is so great, I couldn't wait to share it.  And when I saw that it came from one of my very favorite writers, Eugenia Price, I knew the Lord had given me a very sweet kiss this morning.  So, here you go:

 Jesus said:  "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." ~ Matt. 11:28-29

"Here lies the source of the rest He offers:  If we come just as we are, He will welcome us.  Spiritual fatigue, a burdened heart, the ugly mess we make of our lives, causes us to long for rest - any kind of rest from the inner and outer tensions against which we struggle.  To expect such a troubled spirit to improve itself, to untangle its own problems, is as impossible as to expect a man with two broken legs to sprint.

God offers the kind of inner rest that releases the energy we need to change out inadequacies to adequacies.  I have never known anyone who could do the job alone.  Jesus must have seen it this way.  Otherwise He would not have extended His inclusive invitation to all those who were in particular need of rest.

Two things are necessary for us:  we must see our need and we must come.  The rest is up to God.  And He can move into action on our behalf much more swiftly if we come - just as we are.  Making no excuses, offering no explanations of how we got this way, but only expecting Him to act - not according to OUR idea of One who sits in judgement - rather, as He is...a God of love. 

If we come as we are, expecting God to be there waiting for us as He is, we see at once that we are not the determining factor.  God is."

~ Eugenia Price

I pray that you will know that kind of rest today...the kind of rest in your soul that allows you to crawl into your heavenly Father's lap and cast all your cares and troubles upon Him.  He will then give you the energy and the strength to face it all with a peace that passes all understanding, as you trust in Him.

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