Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Want It...Now!

It's been forever and a day since I blogged about anything. I guess I haven't been very inspired lately. Not to worry though...I've had something brewing in my head for awhile now, so I get to share it here b/c is MY blog!

For those that do not know, my husband is being temporarily laid off for five weeks. This will be his last week of work until the first of August. For those of you that know my hubbie, you will not be surprised when I write about him driving me up a wall in a couple of weeks! It will be interesting to see how he handles having so much time on his hands. I better start making a list of projects to keep him busy! :)

Me, on the other hand, well ~ I have my own list in the works. This list is all of the things I don't just want...but I feel like I NEED! In this crazy head of mine, I have come up with all of these things that I feel like I can't live without. I know a shrink would probably say all of this coveting is because I'm fearful of being 'without' in the short term, so I want to fill my closet, my home and my life with a bunch of stuff! In an effort to knock a little sense into this head of mine, I decided to make a list of all the things I'm obsessing over in an effort to let it go. Ready? Here it goes:

1. Prescription Sunglasses ~ why do I feel I need these? I just got some new regular glasses that I wear when I drive. But, it's always so bright out, that I need my shades, but I also need my glasses to see. To solve this quandry would set me back @ $350. The can wait. I've been driving without my regular glasses for like four years, so a few months won't be a big deal, really.

2. Clothes ~ Not only am I bored with the clothes that I have, but I 'NEED' some new things for vacation. Plus, I am a weird, 'out of maternity, not quite into my pre-preggo' size, so nothing fits well. In actuality, we are only going to the lake for 3 days, where I'll live in tanks, shorts and flip flops. Plus, I'm working out like crazy, so I'm bound to be back in my old clothes before long. The only real need in this category would be for a new swimsuit, b/c no one really wants to see all of that!

3. A Pilates Reformer machine ~ this is my latest obsession. My neighbor was telling me how her reformer machine has changed her life and she has the arms, abs and butt to prove it! I felt myself getting excited just thinking of the possibility of being that in shape again...without having to go to the gym. What is the cost of this? $300 on QVC. The problem is this: I had an elliptical machine once at got used like a total of 10 times. So, would I use this machine? Probably not. What I love about this is that it has gotten me to think about the 'possibility' of being slim instead of doubting that I could ever do it.

4. A Wii. I think we could use one of these b/c I could do Wii Fit and it would give Branden something to do when he's bored at home for five weeks. The cost for this $250 + accessories. In reality, I would probably never do it (see above) AND my parents have a Wii at their house that we've never played...not even once.

5. A new purse ~ or a new vera bradley tote ~ or both. My bestie, Abby is reading this and laughing b/c she knows that I got THREE purses for Christmas this past year and it's only six months down the road and I'm ready for a new one! I love bags...any kind. In particular ~ I love this yellow bag hanging in the window of a store that I pass every day on my way to and from the office. And the Vera tote ~ I love the Hope Garden pattern and could use on of those to take stuff to and from work...and everywhere else. I just love that bag! In actuality, those things can wait too. I've already got like 30 bags that will work just fine.

There are other things I could list, like a quality knife set, front and back porch furniture, shutters, etc. But, those don't occupy my time as much...for now anyway. I know that irregardless of what I WANT, I can't have any of that stuff right now b/c I don't know what July will bring.

I'm sure that although things will be tight, we will be fine financially. After all, it's not having what you want, but wanting what you have. We might not have awesome workout equipment, new clothes or costa del mar's, but we'll have what matters most...time as a family to hang out and enjoy the summer together. Lots and lots of time. Here's hoping the crazies don't make an appearance. Stay tuned and I'll keep you updated! :)
