Monday, October 26, 2009

I am a Good Wife...

Really, I am. I mean ~ I could be better, I admit...but my hubs, he has it pretty good. Do you want to know why? Of course you do! Our four year anniversary was October 1st, which was a Thursday. We didn't do much of anything b/c we were leaving on Friday to go to a Georgia game, for which we have season tickets for. Hubs promised we would go out the next weekend for our anniversary, so no big deal. So, we went off to Athens and had a great time. The following weekend came and went and I was busy getting ready for the Hall of Fame, so no night out for us. Finally, this weekend Hubs called his parents to watch Rhett and we were going out. All day long, I thought about what I would wear and where we would excited for a night out on the town!

Right before getting in the shower, I asked hubs where he was thinking of going and he shrugged his shoulders, throwing out a couple of places that were more like sports bars and less like nice restaurants (obviously, even though GA wasn't playing...he didn't want to miss a second of football). I then asked him what he was going to wear, to which he replied...'something with jeans, I guess' as he went back to his t.v. watching. After a few minutes of me standing there and clearing my throat, a commercial came on and he turned his attention back to me. 'Why, what did you want me to wear?' To which I replied..."I was thinking maybe something a little nicer than jeans." Then he says...(wait for it) ~ "YOU WANT ME TO WEAR KHAKI'S?!?!?" I had asked him to go naked or something! I got in the shower, with just a few fumes coming from my head, and thought about our exchange. Here I was thinking of The Pink House, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and Vic's on the River and he just took the wind out of my sails and all the fun of getting ready for a night out and he didn't even know it! After a really long, really hot shower with alot of to think about, I got ready and wore a casual, but cute dress and yes, he wore his jeans. We tried to get into the new restaurant downtown, 'The Melting Pot,' but it was reservations only, so we walked around and ended up on the porch at Tubby's, where we always end up. We dined outside, listened to a great band play all of our favorite songs and even caught the end of the Tennessee/Alabama game. It was a nice, relaxing night that was much needed and much enjoyed by both of us.

On the way home, I told hubs that I had come to a realization...that we are not 'fancy people.' Yes, we could have gotten all dressed up and gone to eat at one of those stuffy, ritzy places and had a good meal, but I don't think we would have had a good time. We would have been too concerned about which wine to order, what fork to use and how to properly eat asparagus. I could have married a man who owned designer suits and took every chance he got to wear them. But, I bet he wouldn't look nearly as good riding a John Deere or playing ball in the front yard. And, I'm sure I would find something wrong with him too. I'm a woman...that's what we do! Instead, I married my man and we had a perfectly lovely evening, hanging out and relaxing with each other in an atmosphere that suited both of us. But, even though we both enjoyed it...I'm still a good wife b/c I didn't force the issue and my husband got away with an anniversary dinner with football, live music and fried shrimp...and he'd better not forget least for another year!

(P.S. ~ he's promised The Melting Pot this Friday. I'll let you know if anything actually comes of that!) :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gap Casting Call!

Awhile ago, someone (well, my cousin Danielle) suggested that I send Rhett's photo off for publication. I considered it, but then got busy, as always. Then a friend sent me an email and I thought this was perfect! So, Rhett is officially entered into the Gap Casting Call contest! I sent in four photographs, which will be judged after the submission time frame is over next week. The top 20 finalist will be called back for a photoshoot, which will be posted online and then narrowed down to the top 4. The winners will be featured in The Gap's advertising campaign in 2010. In addition, there is a fan favorite category, which is tallied by votes for your favorite submission.

So, if you feel inclined ~ you can visit to vote for Rhett! You will have to complete a short registration (which will give you a 20% off coupon for Gap ~ bonus!) and then you can search for his photos by using the name 'emilee0611.' You can vote once a day until Nov. 22nd, so please do! And, feel free to forward this to your friends as well (mom and Mrs. Nancy ~ this means you!)

Thanks everyone! I know it's a longshot, but after taking such beautiful photos with Shuman Fine Art Photography, I couldn't help but want to share them with the world

Visit then register, then search for 'emilee0611'. Thanks in advance!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cruise Control...

To say that I've had a busy fall would be the understatement of the year! Hubs and I have talked about getting season tickets to the UGA games since we've been married, but something has always come up around the time it has come to commit the cash for the tickets. This year, we through all logic out the window and won some great seats on ebay (well, I threw all logic out the window when I got into a bidding war and went $200 over our agreed stopping point!). So, for three weekends straight, we were burning up the roads back and forth to Athens. It was a crazy, off the cuff thing to do, but I don't remember when we've had so much fun together! Although I hate leaving Rhett for those weekends, the time away with just the two of us has been priceless, as we have reconnected and remembered what it's like to have fun together and actually enjoy each other's company.

(fyi ~ this is not me and the hubs, but me and my brother, Casey. It's the only picture I had on this computer from Gamedays to upload!).

The other part of this busy season has been the planning and execution of the Savannah Business Hall of Fame, which is our largest fundraiser for JA each year. It doesn't matter how early I get started planning this thing, it seems to always come down to the wire. It is a gignormous undertaking which I am primarily responsible for. From coordinating interviews, putting together a $22k silent auction, designing the invitations, the program book and silent auction posters, creating the powerpoints, writing the scripts for the speakers and the bios for the laureates, running the A/V, to keeping my boss calm all falls right on my shoulders. I am proud to say that the event on Tuesday night went off without a hitch (well, without too big of one anyway!). Although it's enough to put me in a padded cell, I really do love every second of it. When everything gets going and I can step back, look around and see it all come together makes it all very much worth it. And, having the man for which one of the most well known art museums was named tell me it was the best event he's ever been to wasn't so bad either! :)

But, as much as I love it, I am glad to slow down and be back in cruise control for awhile. The thing about cruise control is that you can pretty much coast along, until you come up on something and you need to hit the breaks, reset your speed, or speed up and pass someone. But, you're not running a race necessarily. I am glad to have some time with Rhett on the weekends, to get my house back in order, to plant some fall flowers and get back to some sort of real life...until November at least and we head back to Athens to cheer on the dawgs!

Check out some photos from the Hall of Fame:
