Friday, February 12, 2010

It's My Blog Birthday!


I guess it's technically an anniversary, but I think birthdays are much more fun...because they involve cupcakes, icing, and sprinkles.  And, I missed the actual date of my first blog, which was a year ago on 2/9/09, but this will have to do. 

So here we year and 48 posts later!  I started this as a place to leave my thoughts, share some insights and maybe a little inspiration.  Along the way, I have met new friends, gained a few followers, and learned so much about myself.  And you have too!  You've read about my life, including my struggle with weight loss, my adventures as a new mommy, my collected memories from the past, and the things that the Lord has shown me along the way, and you've enduring the endless pictures of my adorable son! 

I hope you have enjoyed (or at least endured) this blog as much as I have.  For me, writing is much like therapy, allowing me to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or on the screen, in this case), where I can leave them.  More than anything, I hope that my transparency and honesty here has made a small difference in someone else's life because it sure has made a difference in mine!

So, happy birthday blog!  Blow out your candles and make a wish...

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