Sunday, September 19, 2010

Before and After

I had pretty much given up on blogging until now.  There was just too much to say and not the words to say it as we continue to learn how to live without the anchor of our family.  We are doing well and working things out.  We have good days and bad days, but continue to improve each day.  But, that's not what we're here to talk about.  That is not the reason I decided to come back to the blogging world. 

The reason I came back here was blatent, all-out, bragging.  I needed an outlet to brag on myself a little, so I chose the most obvious one, the blog world.  So, thanks in advance for allowing me some self-indulgence. 

This year, we returned to Athens for football season and have so far, had a great time.  As I was posting pictures from yesterday, I was looking through pictures from last year and was shocked to actually see the difference in myself in just a year.  I know I have worked very hard to get back in shape over the past year, but to see the results is amazing, if I do say so myself.  The difference is 40 lbs.  See for yourself:



People ask me all the time what I've done to get these results.  I have done the elliptical, pilates, and revamped my eating habits, but not too consistently over the past two years.  This fall, I'm incorporating interval training in order to hopefully run a 5K in December before our family goes on a cruise for Christmas.  If it's something I can do, it'll be one of my most proud accomplishments.  These results give me the motivation to keep going.  Who knows what next year might bring.  If it's another 20 lbs. lost, then bring it on!
