Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear!" Does anyone remember this little ditty from childhood? I wonder who came up with that saying anyway?
Another Halloween has come and gone and another massacre took place in Jacksonville. We won't talk about the beating Georgia took on Saturday. Let's just say that this isn't going to be our year. I love Halloween for many reasons (yes...other than the fact that it includes massive amounts of chocolate!). When we were kids, we celebrated my cousin Jeremiah's birthday on Halloween, all gathering at Granny's house for hot dogs, chili and getting dressed up. We couldn't wait for the adults to finish eating and cleaning up the kitchen (penny if you're reading are laughing now!), so we could head out to collect the goods. My cousin Penny and I are only 13 months apart and were pretty much inseparable. We would skip down the road, run up to the houses, and ring the doorbells hand in hand. When we got to the scary houses...the ones with people coming out of coffins and the guy who sat on his porch with a microphone calling 'children, children...come here children!', she was the one who told me not to be scared and dragged me up on the porches. She's the one who got me to try mustard on my hot dogs, how to put on eyeliner, and that Santa Claus wasn't real (thanks penny!). She has always inspired me to be daring, brave and adventurous and helped me discover that in those times, the most fun is had.
As I have reached adulthood, I wanted to continue the Halloween tradition. So, we gather all of our families at our house, cook chili and hot dogs and head out trick or treating. This year was so much fun with Rhett because he is much more aware of what is going on. We loaded him up in his wagon and took off. His eyes were big as saucers as he checked out all the other kids and laughed at his Nana, who dressed up as a clown.
He was the cutest Tigger you've ever seen...
Who's not spoiled or anything, kicked back on his pillow while the rest of us hoofed it through the neighborhood...
He almost fell out...only giving him his second wind for later that night when he put on a show for his grandparents!
And a good time was had by all!