This week, I'm entering the I ♥ Faces contest for the first time, since I got some awesome shots of Rhett at the beach! I love this picture because it captures his awe of seeing the ocean for the first time. It was sunset on Kiawah Island, S.C. and the setting couldn't have been more perfect. Even if I don't win, I will have enjoyed showing off my handsome little man!
Moving on to why I ♥ my mom. Other than the fact that she gave birth to me and she's always been there for me as an encourager, a challenger, and a friend. Yesterday I loved her the most because when I called to ask her if Rhett could stay over last night, she didn't hesitate to say yes. You see, I have a REALLY hard time asking people for help. In elementary school, I failed a test because I didn't want to ask if I could borrow a pencil. This bad trait has mostly reared its head where Rhett is concerned. I guess I believe that he is my child and therefore, my responsibility, so I should be the one to take care of him. But, I am not Superwoman. Let me say that again for my own benefit...I am not Superwoman. I cannot do all things and be all things to everyone. Sometimes I just give out and I can't go anymore. Which is exactly what happened yesterday.
Last week, we went to Kiawah for a little family getaway. Which would have been relaxing, if we didn't have a 15 month old on our hands. We enjoyed the three day trip, but it was a worldwind. We got back on Friday and then I had to go shopping on Saturday to buy a birthday gift and then had dinner with my parents Saturday night. Sunday a.m. brought church, the grocery store and the above mentioned birthday party for our friends' little boy. I collapsed in the bed @ 10:30 Sunday night. The only thing I could think about was that I would be up again in 2 hours when Rhett decided he couldn't possibly live without me, which he did three times.
Monday a.m. hit me like a truck, but up and off to work I went. That afternoon, I drove a hour one way for meetings all afternoon, not getting home until 6 p.m. When I walked in the door, I changed clothes and got ready to go get Rhett from my parents, since he had been there since about 9 that morning. Branden encouraged me to sit down and relax for a minute. I did as I was told, laying down and putting my feet up. Once I got in that position, I felt like I couldn't move. The thought of getting up to go get Rhett and doing dinner, bath and nighttime with him brought literal tears to my eyes. Branden asked me what was wrong, and all I could say is 'I'm just too tired.' So, he suggested letting Rhett spend the night at my parents so I could get some rest. The thought of that didn't make me happy. Not because I didn't want him to stay, but because I didn't want to ask. It took Branden about 15 minutes of coaxing and putting dinner on the stove for me to pick up the phone. I don't think my mom could hear the tears in my voice, but she could probably picture the look on my face. Although the call took her off guard and she had already had him all day long, she said it was fine and only asked me to bring some p.j.'s.
I tried to reason that Rhett could come home and Branden could just take care of him. But, Branden knew that even if he had taken care of Rhett all night long, I wouldn't be able to relax, since I am his (Rhett's)favorite playmate and taker-carer. He was really great in taking care of me dinner, taking the p.j.'s over, and cleaning the kitchen. I took an hour long bath, reading 'Breaking Dawn,' turned off the monitor, and was in bed by 9 p.m. I slept soundly until 6 a.m. and woke up refreshed and able to function for the rest of the week.
I know it wasn't easy on mama. She had him for almost 24 hours straight, with no advanced notice. While he has spent the night with them before, it was always been because I was out of town. In 15 months, I haven't had an entire night off, sleeping through the night in my own bed, without the monitor buzzing in my ear. It was a little piece of heaven which I am so grateful for.
So, mom ~ if you're reading this...thank you. You don't know how much last night meant to me. Rhett is so blessed to call you his 'CeeCee' as I am to call you 'Mama'.