I was sweating it out on the elliptical machine yesterday when the girl next to me was getting off, so I borrowed her copy of Glamour Magazine to pass the time (and to keep me from being obsessive about watching the clock). I looked at the cover and saw a red-headed and always gorgeous Scarlett Johannson.
As I looked over the cover, it occured to me that Scarlett's hair color, which was stunning on her, was eerily similar to my new red-tinted do, which I haven't been crazy about since I made the switch to go darker. I have been obsessing about it being too red, too dark, or not right for my skin color. I have waited on people to mention it, so I could explain that it wasn't exactly the look I was going for and have contemplated going back to the salon to get it redone more brown and less red.
It got me to thinking...as women, why are we so hard on ourselves but so much more accepting of others? As I looked at Scarlett's picture on the front, I thought..."Look how great she looks with red hair! Good for her to try something different and pull it off." But, when I look at my own hair, I think..."Oh my God! What was I thinking? This color is hideous on me and makes me look like a freak." Why can't I cut myself some slack and accept myself as just as gorgeous as Scarlett? I guess it comes down to self-esteem.
As I thumbed through the rest of the mag, I came across this photo:
(you can read the entire article here: www.glamour.com/sex-love-life/2009/08/what-everyone-but-you-sees-about-your-body)
This picture is of size 12 plus size model, Liz Miller. Glamour has decided to start featuring more plus sized models in their upcoming issues in order to have a more diverse showing in their magazines. What strikes me the most about this photo is how comfortable she seems in her own skin. She is not only gorgeous, but confident and happy with herself, just as she is. And she is my size. Her belly looks like mine, her arms look like mine, and she has a little pudge when she crosses her legs, just like mine. So, why do I consider her body beautiful and my own overweight, fat, and disgusting? Is it because she IS more confident and therefore, more happy with herself? Or is it because she has accepted herself for just as she is, where confidence begins?
The editor noted in the November issue that they had so many responses to this photo that they did a follow-up article featuring multiple nude plus size models. (http://www.glamour.com/health-fitness/2009/10/these-bodies-are-beautiful-at-every-size). She said that one mother wrote in to say that when her daughter saw the photo, she said "Mama, she looks just like you...beautiful." Doesn't that just melt your heart? The editor spoke to the thoughts I had previously ~ about how we as women, can be so hard on ourselves, while others see the beauty in us that we can't see in ourselves. Also, how we can accept others and their flaws as positives, but are so negative about ourselves.
It is time as women, that we begin to accept ourselves and each other for how we are, how the good Lord created us, and to stop being so hard on ourselves, creating negative body images, bad self-esteem, and overall unhappiness in our lives. For the sake of our daughters, our nieces, our sisters, and all the young ladies that we come in contact with. We are the ones they learn from and if we can learn to love and accept ourselves just as we are, then they can too.
To continue in this spirit, the editor challenged Glamour readers to send in comments about their bodies, but they could only be positive statements. No negativity accepted. So, I began to wonder what my friends, my family members, and my blog readers (all four of you!) would say if you could tell me one reason why you love your body and yourselves? Come on and play this game with me...how are you proud of your body or what do you love about yourself?
For me, I love that I am strong enough to lift my son up in my arms and I'm soft enough to rock him to sleep at night. I love that my eyes are the same color as my brother's, my mom's, and my dad's, reminding me that I'm part of a strong family and our ties run deep. And, I love when people tell me that I favor my mom, because I think she is one of the prettiest women in this world and I would be happy to age as gracefully as she has.
What about you? What do you love about your body? As women, may we strive to think positively about ourselves and cut us and each other a little slack.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Trick or Treat...
Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear!" Does anyone remember this little ditty from childhood? I wonder who came up with that saying anyway?
Another Halloween has come and gone and another massacre took place in Jacksonville. We won't talk about the beating Georgia took on Saturday. Let's just say that this isn't going to be our year. I love Halloween for many reasons (yes...other than the fact that it includes massive amounts of chocolate!). When we were kids, we celebrated my cousin Jeremiah's birthday on Halloween, all gathering at Granny's house for hot dogs, chili and getting dressed up. We couldn't wait for the adults to finish eating and cleaning up the kitchen (penny if you're reading this...you are laughing now!), so we could head out to collect the goods. My cousin Penny and I are only 13 months apart and were pretty much inseparable. We would skip down the road, run up to the houses, and ring the doorbells hand in hand. When we got to the scary houses...the ones with people coming out of coffins and the guy who sat on his porch with a microphone calling 'children, children...come here children!', she was the one who told me not to be scared and dragged me up on the porches. She's the one who got me to try mustard on my hot dogs, how to put on eyeliner, and that Santa Claus wasn't real (thanks penny!). She has always inspired me to be daring, brave and adventurous and helped me discover that in those times, the most fun is had.
As I have reached adulthood, I wanted to continue the Halloween tradition. So, we gather all of our families at our house, cook chili and hot dogs and head out trick or treating. This year was so much fun with Rhett because he is much more aware of what is going on. We loaded him up in his wagon and took off. His eyes were big as saucers as he checked out all the other kids and laughed at his Nana, who dressed up as a clown.
He was the cutest Tigger you've ever seen...
Who's not spoiled or anything, kicked back on his pillow while the rest of us hoofed it through the neighborhood...
He almost fell out...only giving him his second wind for later that night when he put on a show for his grandparents!
And a good time was had by all!
Another Halloween has come and gone and another massacre took place in Jacksonville. We won't talk about the beating Georgia took on Saturday. Let's just say that this isn't going to be our year. I love Halloween for many reasons (yes...other than the fact that it includes massive amounts of chocolate!). When we were kids, we celebrated my cousin Jeremiah's birthday on Halloween, all gathering at Granny's house for hot dogs, chili and getting dressed up. We couldn't wait for the adults to finish eating and cleaning up the kitchen (penny if you're reading this...you are laughing now!), so we could head out to collect the goods. My cousin Penny and I are only 13 months apart and were pretty much inseparable. We would skip down the road, run up to the houses, and ring the doorbells hand in hand. When we got to the scary houses...the ones with people coming out of coffins and the guy who sat on his porch with a microphone calling 'children, children...come here children!', she was the one who told me not to be scared and dragged me up on the porches. She's the one who got me to try mustard on my hot dogs, how to put on eyeliner, and that Santa Claus wasn't real (thanks penny!). She has always inspired me to be daring, brave and adventurous and helped me discover that in those times, the most fun is had.
As I have reached adulthood, I wanted to continue the Halloween tradition. So, we gather all of our families at our house, cook chili and hot dogs and head out trick or treating. This year was so much fun with Rhett because he is much more aware of what is going on. We loaded him up in his wagon and took off. His eyes were big as saucers as he checked out all the other kids and laughed at his Nana, who dressed up as a clown.
He was the cutest Tigger you've ever seen...
Who's not spoiled or anything, kicked back on his pillow while the rest of us hoofed it through the neighborhood...
He almost fell out...only giving him his second wind for later that night when he put on a show for his grandparents!
And a good time was had by all!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I am a Good Wife...
Really, I am. I mean ~ I could be better, I admit...but my hubs, he has it pretty good. Do you want to know why? Of course you do! Our four year anniversary was October 1st, which was a Thursday. We didn't do much of anything b/c we were leaving on Friday to go to a Georgia game, for which we have season tickets for. Hubs promised we would go out the next weekend for our anniversary, so no big deal. So, we went off to Athens and had a great time. The following weekend came and went and I was busy getting ready for the Hall of Fame, so no night out for us. Finally, this weekend Hubs called his parents to watch Rhett and we were going out. All day long, I thought about what I would wear and where we would go...so excited for a night out on the town!
Right before getting in the shower, I asked hubs where he was thinking of going and he shrugged his shoulders, throwing out a couple of places that were more like sports bars and less like nice restaurants (obviously, even though GA wasn't playing...he didn't want to miss a second of football). I then asked him what he was going to wear, to which he replied...'something with jeans, I guess' as he went back to his t.v. watching. After a few minutes of me standing there and clearing my throat, a commercial came on and he turned his attention back to me. 'Why, what did you want me to wear?' To which I replied..."I was thinking maybe something a little nicer than jeans." Then he says...(wait for it) ~ "YOU WANT ME TO WEAR KHAKI'S?!?!?" lol...like I had asked him to go naked or something! I got in the shower, with just a few fumes coming from my head, and thought about our exchange. Here I was thinking of The Pink House, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and Vic's on the River and he just took the wind out of my sails and all the fun of getting ready for a night out and he didn't even know it! After a really long, really hot shower with alot of to think about, I got ready and wore a casual, but cute dress and yes, he wore his jeans. We tried to get into the new restaurant downtown, 'The Melting Pot,' but it was reservations only, so we walked around and ended up on the porch at Tubby's, where we always end up. We dined outside, listened to a great band play all of our favorite songs and even caught the end of the Tennessee/Alabama game. It was a nice, relaxing night that was much needed and much enjoyed by both of us.
On the way home, I told hubs that I had come to a realization...that we are not 'fancy people.' Yes, we could have gotten all dressed up and gone to eat at one of those stuffy, ritzy places and had a good meal, but I don't think we would have had a good time. We would have been too concerned about which wine to order, what fork to use and how to properly eat asparagus. I could have married a man who owned designer suits and took every chance he got to wear them. But, I bet he wouldn't look nearly as good riding a John Deere or playing ball in the front yard. And, I'm sure I would find something wrong with him too. I'm a woman...that's what we do! Instead, I married my man and we had a perfectly lovely evening, hanging out and relaxing with each other in an atmosphere that suited both of us. But, even though we both enjoyed it...I'm still a good wife b/c I didn't force the issue and my husband got away with an anniversary dinner with football, live music and fried shrimp...and he'd better not forget it...at least for another year!
(P.S. ~ he's promised The Melting Pot this Friday. I'll let you know if anything actually comes of that!) :)
Right before getting in the shower, I asked hubs where he was thinking of going and he shrugged his shoulders, throwing out a couple of places that were more like sports bars and less like nice restaurants (obviously, even though GA wasn't playing...he didn't want to miss a second of football). I then asked him what he was going to wear, to which he replied...'something with jeans, I guess' as he went back to his t.v. watching. After a few minutes of me standing there and clearing my throat, a commercial came on and he turned his attention back to me. 'Why, what did you want me to wear?' To which I replied..."I was thinking maybe something a little nicer than jeans." Then he says...(wait for it) ~ "YOU WANT ME TO WEAR KHAKI'S?!?!?" lol...like I had asked him to go naked or something! I got in the shower, with just a few fumes coming from my head, and thought about our exchange. Here I was thinking of The Pink House, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and Vic's on the River and he just took the wind out of my sails and all the fun of getting ready for a night out and he didn't even know it! After a really long, really hot shower with alot of to think about, I got ready and wore a casual, but cute dress and yes, he wore his jeans. We tried to get into the new restaurant downtown, 'The Melting Pot,' but it was reservations only, so we walked around and ended up on the porch at Tubby's, where we always end up. We dined outside, listened to a great band play all of our favorite songs and even caught the end of the Tennessee/Alabama game. It was a nice, relaxing night that was much needed and much enjoyed by both of us.
On the way home, I told hubs that I had come to a realization...that we are not 'fancy people.' Yes, we could have gotten all dressed up and gone to eat at one of those stuffy, ritzy places and had a good meal, but I don't think we would have had a good time. We would have been too concerned about which wine to order, what fork to use and how to properly eat asparagus. I could have married a man who owned designer suits and took every chance he got to wear them. But, I bet he wouldn't look nearly as good riding a John Deere or playing ball in the front yard. And, I'm sure I would find something wrong with him too. I'm a woman...that's what we do! Instead, I married my man and we had a perfectly lovely evening, hanging out and relaxing with each other in an atmosphere that suited both of us. But, even though we both enjoyed it...I'm still a good wife b/c I didn't force the issue and my husband got away with an anniversary dinner with football, live music and fried shrimp...and he'd better not forget it...at least for another year!
(P.S. ~ he's promised The Melting Pot this Friday. I'll let you know if anything actually comes of that!) :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Gap Casting Call!
Awhile ago, someone (well, my cousin Danielle) suggested that I send Rhett's photo off for publication. I considered it, but then got busy, as always. Then a friend sent me an email and I thought this was perfect! So, Rhett is officially entered into the Gap Casting Call contest! I sent in four photographs, which will be judged after the submission time frame is over next week. The top 20 finalist will be called back for a photoshoot, which will be posted online and then narrowed down to the top 4. The winners will be featured in The Gap's advertising campaign in 2010. In addition, there is a fan favorite category, which is tallied by votes for your favorite submission.
So, if you feel inclined ~ you can visit www.gap.com/castingcall to vote for Rhett! You will have to complete a short registration (which will give you a 20% off coupon for Gap ~ bonus!) and then you can search for his photos by using the name 'emilee0611.' You can vote once a day until Nov. 22nd, so please do! And, feel free to forward this to your friends as well (mom and Mrs. Nancy ~ this means you!)
Thanks everyone! I know it's a longshot, but after taking such beautiful photos with Shuman Fine Art Photography, I couldn't help but want to share them with the world
Visit www.gap.com/castingcall then register, then search for 'emilee0611'. Thanks in advance!!!
So, if you feel inclined ~ you can visit www.gap.com/castingcall to vote for Rhett! You will have to complete a short registration (which will give you a 20% off coupon for Gap ~ bonus!) and then you can search for his photos by using the name 'emilee0611.' You can vote once a day until Nov. 22nd, so please do! And, feel free to forward this to your friends as well (mom and Mrs. Nancy ~ this means you!)
Thanks everyone! I know it's a longshot, but after taking such beautiful photos with Shuman Fine Art Photography, I couldn't help but want to share them with the world
Visit www.gap.com/castingcall then register, then search for 'emilee0611'. Thanks in advance!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Cruise Control...
To say that I've had a busy fall would be the understatement of the year! Hubs and I have talked about getting season tickets to the UGA games since we've been married, but something has always come up around the time it has come to commit the cash for the tickets. This year, we through all logic out the window and won some great seats on ebay (well, I threw all logic out the window when I got into a bidding war and went $200 over our agreed stopping point!). So, for three weekends straight, we were burning up the roads back and forth to Athens. It was a crazy, off the cuff thing to do, but I don't remember when we've had so much fun together! Although I hate leaving Rhett for those weekends, the time away with just the two of us has been priceless, as we have reconnected and remembered what it's like to have fun together and actually enjoy each other's company.
(fyi ~ this is not me and the hubs, but me and my brother, Casey. It's the only picture I had on this computer from Gamedays to upload!).
The other part of this busy season has been the planning and execution of the Savannah Business Hall of Fame, which is our largest fundraiser for JA each year. It doesn't matter how early I get started planning this thing, it seems to always come down to the wire. It is a gignormous undertaking which I am primarily responsible for. From coordinating interviews, putting together a $22k silent auction, designing the invitations, the program book and silent auction posters, creating the powerpoints, writing the scripts for the speakers and the bios for the laureates, running the A/V, to keeping my boss calm all falls right on my shoulders. I am proud to say that the event on Tuesday night went off without a hitch (well, without too big of one anyway!). Although it's enough to put me in a padded cell, I really do love every second of it. When everything gets going and I can step back, look around and see it all come together makes it all very much worth it. And, having the man for which one of the most well known art museums was named tell me it was the best event he's ever been to wasn't so bad either! :)
But, as much as I love it, I am glad to slow down and be back in cruise control for awhile. The thing about cruise control is that you can pretty much coast along, until you come up on something and you need to hit the breaks, reset your speed, or speed up and pass someone. But, you're not running a race necessarily. I am glad to have some time with Rhett on the weekends, to get my house back in order, to plant some fall flowers and get back to some sort of real life...until November at least and we head back to Athens to cheer on the dawgs!
Check out some photos from the Hall of Fame:
(fyi ~ this is not me and the hubs, but me and my brother, Casey. It's the only picture I had on this computer from Gamedays to upload!).
The other part of this busy season has been the planning and execution of the Savannah Business Hall of Fame, which is our largest fundraiser for JA each year. It doesn't matter how early I get started planning this thing, it seems to always come down to the wire. It is a gignormous undertaking which I am primarily responsible for. From coordinating interviews, putting together a $22k silent auction, designing the invitations, the program book and silent auction posters, creating the powerpoints, writing the scripts for the speakers and the bios for the laureates, running the A/V, to keeping my boss calm all falls right on my shoulders. I am proud to say that the event on Tuesday night went off without a hitch (well, without too big of one anyway!). Although it's enough to put me in a padded cell, I really do love every second of it. When everything gets going and I can step back, look around and see it all come together makes it all very much worth it. And, having the man for which one of the most well known art museums was named tell me it was the best event he's ever been to wasn't so bad either! :)
But, as much as I love it, I am glad to slow down and be back in cruise control for awhile. The thing about cruise control is that you can pretty much coast along, until you come up on something and you need to hit the breaks, reset your speed, or speed up and pass someone. But, you're not running a race necessarily. I am glad to have some time with Rhett on the weekends, to get my house back in order, to plant some fall flowers and get back to some sort of real life...until November at least and we head back to Athens to cheer on the dawgs!
Check out some photos from the Hall of Fame:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
It's Crunch Time!
As I have posted on here before, I am working on losing some weight and getting back in shape in 2009. As of this morning, I have lost 16.4 lbs. Wow! Even though it's taken 8 months, I'm confident that those are lbs. that'll be gone for good, as I have finally learned how to take them off the right way, by cutting back, making changes, saying 'no' to myself and others and trying to exercise as much as my hectic life will allow. I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself and am now wearing a skirt that a few months ago, I couldn't even button. Some of my 'pre-preggo' clothes are still too tight, but that's mostly due to the nasty effects of having a c-section! I don't think that part of my body will ever be the same...
Anywho ~ as proud as I am, I still have a long ways to go. I'm about 7 lbs. away from my pre-preggo weight, a goal I was hoping reach by the start of football season, well at least the 1st home game in Athens, which is two weeks away. That might sound reasonable, but since it's taken me 8 months to lose 16, I doubt 7 are going to fall off in that amount of time.
Should I just say 'oh well' and be happy with where I'm at? Probably. Am I? Of course not. Someone has burned in my brain to 'not settle' for anything, which is prety much ingrained in my character over the past 30 years. So, I'm not going to settle. I have become kind of complacent the past two weeks, eating whatever and not making working out a priority. But that's going to change, starting today. Today, I am going to commit to healthy eating, cutting out all nessessary sugars (read: no more starburst jellybeans and sweet tea), all fried stuff (read: mcdonald's and mexican), and get serious about working out. I now have a pilates reformer machine that I had been coveting for awhile, so I'm going to commit to doing that at least 5x a week for the next two weeks. I have an outfit for the first game in athens that is super cute. It looks okay on me, but I sure would be more comfortable with a little less flab and a lot more fab!
It's time to get pumped up! Athens is right around the corner!!!! :)
Anywho ~ as proud as I am, I still have a long ways to go. I'm about 7 lbs. away from my pre-preggo weight, a goal I was hoping reach by the start of football season, well at least the 1st home game in Athens, which is two weeks away. That might sound reasonable, but since it's taken me 8 months to lose 16, I doubt 7 are going to fall off in that amount of time.
Should I just say 'oh well' and be happy with where I'm at? Probably. Am I? Of course not. Someone has burned in my brain to 'not settle' for anything, which is prety much ingrained in my character over the past 30 years. So, I'm not going to settle. I have become kind of complacent the past two weeks, eating whatever and not making working out a priority. But that's going to change, starting today. Today, I am going to commit to healthy eating, cutting out all nessessary sugars (read: no more starburst jellybeans and sweet tea), all fried stuff (read: mcdonald's and mexican), and get serious about working out. I now have a pilates reformer machine that I had been coveting for awhile, so I'm going to commit to doing that at least 5x a week for the next two weeks. I have an outfit for the first game in athens that is super cute. It looks okay on me, but I sure would be more comfortable with a little less flab and a lot more fab!
It's time to get pumped up! Athens is right around the corner!!!! :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Welcome Baby Erin Elise...
I found out a dear ex-boyfriend of mine was blessed with a baby girl yesterday! She is so beautiful and finally has a name ~ Erin Elise Dumas! Even with all of our history, I could not be any happier or excited for them both. A long while ago, I took a leap of faith and decided to follow God's plan instead of my own. Trusting Him was hard, but in the end it looks like He led us both down a path that was just perfect for each of us. Now we both have living proof of the rewards that come from following Him and we will be able to raise our children in the same community in friendship. It seems that the big man really knew what he was doing after all! :)
Congratulations again to Walter and Lauren! May you know all the joys, the struggles, and the consuming love that comes from the endless source as you watch your little girl grow.
Congratulations again to Walter and Lauren! May you know all the joys, the struggles, and the consuming love that comes from the endless source as you watch your little girl grow.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Show Me The Money!!
After five weeks of unemployment pay and having hubs out of work, I just checked our account and hallelujah! We have $2,500 in there!!!! Nevermind that it's Friday and we both got paid and we have about a month's worth of bills to pay, so it won't stay that way for long. For now, I'm doing the money dance and enjoying the next 30 sec. before I start paying those bills!
I'll leave you with this little piece of funny!
I'll leave you with this little piece of funny!
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Incident at the Church....
You know those 'get-to-know-your-neighbor questions' you are always asked when you are in some sort of group participation event, like "What do you do for a living?" or "What is your most embarrassing moment?" Well, I now have a good answer for that last one...
We had to drive 8 hours round-trip yesterday to Hubs' uncle's funeral in South Georgia. It was a sad day, but we were celebrating Uncle Mickey's life which made it a little more raucous because, well..he was that kind of man. Uncle Mickey was the kind of person who really lived, and everyone had a story to prove it. So, while he is gone, he not only lives in our hearts, but also in our stories as we remember how he impacted each one of us personally.
All things considered (8 hour car ride, house full of strangers, quiet church service, graveside service in the rainy, south georgia heat), Rhett did surprisingly well. He has taken off walking, so he enjoyed exploring his surroundings and new environment and even did well meeting new people. Yep, he did really well...except for the incident at the church.
The incident at the church began we got stuck in the middle of the 3rd row pew at the First Baptist Church of Tifton. I whispered to hubs that I would like to sit on the end so I could get up and leave if necessary, so how we ended up in the middle is a mystery. Rhett was doing well, eating his goldfish and listening to the music, when I felt him go to the bathroom in his diaper. I was hoping that the service wouldn't take much longer b/c I didn't want everyone to notice the unpleasant smell, which was really, really strong. After he shifted around, I finally realized why the smell was burning my nose hairs ~ because the poop was sitting right there on my dress!!!!!! Not only was it on my dress, but it was on his clothes, legs, feet and had also worked it's way on his hands. OMG!!!!!!!! I thought I would die. Literally. They might as well of got me a casket right beside Uncle Mickey's.
I couldn't get out of that church fast enough! Of course, there was a rather large woman at the end of the aisle, so everyone on the pew had to get up to let us out (did I mention that we were stuck in the middle?!?!). The whole time I ran down that aisle, I was asking Jesus to please let that poop stay attached to my dress instead of falling in the middle of the aisle of the church!
Thankfully, I found the nursery where I was able to clean us up the best I could. The whole time I was scrubbing out the poop, I was thinking of Uncle Mickey. I just knew he would've gotten a kick out of that scenario and I could hear him now saying, "When the boy's gotta go, he's got to go!"
You know, even though Rhett will never know his great-great Uncle, he will have a 'Mickey story' of his own to tell, proving that even when we are gone from this life, we have the ability to impact the lives of others.
So, this one's for you, Uncle Mickey. May you have a good laugh with the angels today and be sure to thank Jesus for me ~ I made it out of the church without losing any of the poop.
We had to drive 8 hours round-trip yesterday to Hubs' uncle's funeral in South Georgia. It was a sad day, but we were celebrating Uncle Mickey's life which made it a little more raucous because, well..he was that kind of man. Uncle Mickey was the kind of person who really lived, and everyone had a story to prove it. So, while he is gone, he not only lives in our hearts, but also in our stories as we remember how he impacted each one of us personally.
All things considered (8 hour car ride, house full of strangers, quiet church service, graveside service in the rainy, south georgia heat), Rhett did surprisingly well. He has taken off walking, so he enjoyed exploring his surroundings and new environment and even did well meeting new people. Yep, he did really well...except for the incident at the church.
The incident at the church began we got stuck in the middle of the 3rd row pew at the First Baptist Church of Tifton. I whispered to hubs that I would like to sit on the end so I could get up and leave if necessary, so how we ended up in the middle is a mystery. Rhett was doing well, eating his goldfish and listening to the music, when I felt him go to the bathroom in his diaper. I was hoping that the service wouldn't take much longer b/c I didn't want everyone to notice the unpleasant smell, which was really, really strong. After he shifted around, I finally realized why the smell was burning my nose hairs ~ because the poop was sitting right there on my dress!!!!!! Not only was it on my dress, but it was on his clothes, legs, feet and had also worked it's way on his hands. OMG!!!!!!!! I thought I would die. Literally. They might as well of got me a casket right beside Uncle Mickey's.
I couldn't get out of that church fast enough! Of course, there was a rather large woman at the end of the aisle, so everyone on the pew had to get up to let us out (did I mention that we were stuck in the middle?!?!). The whole time I ran down that aisle, I was asking Jesus to please let that poop stay attached to my dress instead of falling in the middle of the aisle of the church!
Thankfully, I found the nursery where I was able to clean us up the best I could. The whole time I was scrubbing out the poop, I was thinking of Uncle Mickey. I just knew he would've gotten a kick out of that scenario and I could hear him now saying, "When the boy's gotta go, he's got to go!"
You know, even though Rhett will never know his great-great Uncle, he will have a 'Mickey story' of his own to tell, proving that even when we are gone from this life, we have the ability to impact the lives of others.
So, this one's for you, Uncle Mickey. May you have a good laugh with the angels today and be sure to thank Jesus for me ~ I made it out of the church without losing any of the poop.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I ♥ Faces and I ♥ My Mom...
This week, I'm entering the I ♥ Faces contest for the first time, since I got some awesome shots of Rhett at the beach! I love this picture because it captures his awe of seeing the ocean for the first time. It was sunset on Kiawah Island, S.C. and the setting couldn't have been more perfect. Even if I don't win, I will have enjoyed showing off my handsome little man!
Moving on to why I ♥ my mom. Other than the fact that she gave birth to me and she's always been there for me as an encourager, a challenger, and a friend. Yesterday I loved her the most because when I called to ask her if Rhett could stay over last night, she didn't hesitate to say yes. You see, I have a REALLY hard time asking people for help. In elementary school, I failed a test because I didn't want to ask if I could borrow a pencil. This bad trait has mostly reared its head where Rhett is concerned. I guess I believe that he is my child and therefore, my responsibility, so I should be the one to take care of him. But, I am not Superwoman. Let me say that again for my own benefit...I am not Superwoman. I cannot do all things and be all things to everyone. Sometimes I just give out and I can't go anymore. Which is exactly what happened yesterday.
Last week, we went to Kiawah for a little family getaway. Which would have been relaxing, if we didn't have a 15 month old on our hands. We enjoyed the three day trip, but it was a worldwind. We got back on Friday and then I had to go shopping on Saturday to buy a birthday gift and then had dinner with my parents Saturday night. Sunday a.m. brought church, the grocery store and the above mentioned birthday party for our friends' little boy. I collapsed in the bed @ 10:30 Sunday night. The only thing I could think about was that I would be up again in 2 hours when Rhett decided he couldn't possibly live without me, which he did three times.
Monday a.m. hit me like a truck, but up and off to work I went. That afternoon, I drove a hour one way for meetings all afternoon, not getting home until 6 p.m. When I walked in the door, I changed clothes and got ready to go get Rhett from my parents, since he had been there since about 9 that morning. Branden encouraged me to sit down and relax for a minute. I did as I was told, laying down and putting my feet up. Once I got in that position, I felt like I couldn't move. The thought of getting up to go get Rhett and doing dinner, bath and nighttime with him brought literal tears to my eyes. Branden asked me what was wrong, and all I could say is 'I'm just too tired.' So, he suggested letting Rhett spend the night at my parents so I could get some rest. The thought of that didn't make me happy. Not because I didn't want him to stay, but because I didn't want to ask. It took Branden about 15 minutes of coaxing and putting dinner on the stove for me to pick up the phone. I don't think my mom could hear the tears in my voice, but she could probably picture the look on my face. Although the call took her off guard and she had already had him all day long, she said it was fine and only asked me to bring some p.j.'s.
I tried to reason that Rhett could come home and Branden could just take care of him. But, Branden knew that even if he had taken care of Rhett all night long, I wouldn't be able to relax, since I am his (Rhett's)favorite playmate and taker-carer. He was really great in taking care of me though...cooking dinner, taking the p.j.'s over, and cleaning the kitchen. I took an hour long bath, reading 'Breaking Dawn,' turned off the monitor, and was in bed by 9 p.m. I slept soundly until 6 a.m. and woke up refreshed and able to function for the rest of the week.
I know it wasn't easy on mama. She had him for almost 24 hours straight, with no advanced notice. While he has spent the night with them before, it was always been because I was out of town. In 15 months, I haven't had an entire night off, sleeping through the night in my own bed, without the monitor buzzing in my ear. It was a little piece of heaven which I am so grateful for.
So, mom ~ if you're reading this...thank you. You don't know how much last night meant to me. Rhett is so blessed to call you his 'CeeCee' as I am to call you 'Mama'.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Nostalgia and all that good stuff....
I swear I wish I could post more, but by the time I think of something to write about ~ it takes me about two weeks to find the time to sit down and hash it out! Things here are good, but it's actually been a pretty busy summer ~ first I had to travel for work, then a week at the lake with the fam, and then Rhett's been sick & CRANKY for about a week. Next week, we're going to the coast of S.C. for a few days and then it'll be almost time for hubs to go back to work! Yah! He's been trying to enjoy his month off, but it's hard for a workaholic like him. His day consists of getting up @ 7ish, drinking coffee, reading paper, FB and TV until about 10. Then he drives around for a little while, has some lunch, takes a nap and goes to the gym at 2. Every day. Life is so rough some times....
Anyway ~ I've titled this post about nostalgia because that's what a couple of days at the lake always does to me. My family has been going to the same campground at the same lake for about 100 years. Ever since my dad was a little boy, the Wells family has packed up the house and took their summer vacation at Clark Hill for eating, swimming, boating and...more eating. Last year was the first year I hadn't gone to the lake in my 29 years of existence. That's what having a newborn does to you.
Now we stay in cabins, which have been the exact same since...well probably for about 100 years. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, wood paneling, about 800 sq. ft and sometimes as many as 15 people. We have always traveled with my grandparents and my aunt, uncle and their three kids and whatever friends have come along. Clark Hill is what it is. You always know what you're gonna get and you always know what to expect. We have the same meals on the same days each year. We have the same bedrooms, play the same card games, and hear the same stories over and over again. Did you hear the one about the 'Mount Pilot Girls?" Or 'Take me to the tire?' or what about 'Beat It' and the time my mom got locked out of the cabin with a screaming baby in the middle of the night? Oh ~ you haven't heard those stories? Well, I have...about 100 times. That water, those pine trees, and those rolling hills all hold the memories of my summers growing up. It's where I learned to swim, tried to ski, fell in love, fell out of love, and learned a painful lesson of growing up and moving on. When I go back there, I am mezmorized by the memories of summers past where what started out as a summer romance turned into much more. Those times at the lake where right out of a Kenny Chesney song and no matter how bad things got, once we were back at the lake, all was right with the world.
It's easy for me to slip into nostalgia's warm embrace and only remember the good times ~ that's the campground where we spent every weekend together. The cove in the middle is where we jetskied and the one in the back is where we skinny dipped (mom ~ ignore that line!) Those trees held the hammock where we napped and there's where we hung out at night, building fires, sneaking drinks of boone's farm strawberry hill and listening to lynard skynard, the allman brothers, and conway twitty. Around every corner is another memory.
Nostalgia is such a powerful force whose rose tinted glasses cover the ugly truth with warm fuzzies tied up in a pretty ribbon. In reality, the relationship that started out as a summer romance lasted about five years too long. As we both have grown up and moved on, I know that we are right were we should be. I wouldn't trade my life now for anything in the world and I'm looking forward to making new memories with the hubs and the kid as he grows up. Who knows, maybe he'll have a Clark Hill summer romance of his own! After all, everyone needs to experience that magic. Let's just hope it's not with the ex'es little girl. That would just be weird! :)
Anyway ~ I've titled this post about nostalgia because that's what a couple of days at the lake always does to me. My family has been going to the same campground at the same lake for about 100 years. Ever since my dad was a little boy, the Wells family has packed up the house and took their summer vacation at Clark Hill for eating, swimming, boating and...more eating. Last year was the first year I hadn't gone to the lake in my 29 years of existence. That's what having a newborn does to you.
Now we stay in cabins, which have been the exact same since...well probably for about 100 years. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, wood paneling, about 800 sq. ft and sometimes as many as 15 people. We have always traveled with my grandparents and my aunt, uncle and their three kids and whatever friends have come along. Clark Hill is what it is. You always know what you're gonna get and you always know what to expect. We have the same meals on the same days each year. We have the same bedrooms, play the same card games, and hear the same stories over and over again. Did you hear the one about the 'Mount Pilot Girls?" Or 'Take me to the tire?' or what about 'Beat It' and the time my mom got locked out of the cabin with a screaming baby in the middle of the night? Oh ~ you haven't heard those stories? Well, I have...about 100 times. That water, those pine trees, and those rolling hills all hold the memories of my summers growing up. It's where I learned to swim, tried to ski, fell in love, fell out of love, and learned a painful lesson of growing up and moving on. When I go back there, I am mezmorized by the memories of summers past where what started out as a summer romance turned into much more. Those times at the lake where right out of a Kenny Chesney song and no matter how bad things got, once we were back at the lake, all was right with the world.
It's easy for me to slip into nostalgia's warm embrace and only remember the good times ~ that's the campground where we spent every weekend together. The cove in the middle is where we jetskied and the one in the back is where we skinny dipped (mom ~ ignore that line!) Those trees held the hammock where we napped and there's where we hung out at night, building fires, sneaking drinks of boone's farm strawberry hill and listening to lynard skynard, the allman brothers, and conway twitty. Around every corner is another memory.
Nostalgia is such a powerful force whose rose tinted glasses cover the ugly truth with warm fuzzies tied up in a pretty ribbon. In reality, the relationship that started out as a summer romance lasted about five years too long. As we both have grown up and moved on, I know that we are right were we should be. I wouldn't trade my life now for anything in the world and I'm looking forward to making new memories with the hubs and the kid as he grows up. Who knows, maybe he'll have a Clark Hill summer romance of his own! After all, everyone needs to experience that magic. Let's just hope it's not with the ex'es little girl. That would just be weird! :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I Want It...Now!
It's been forever and a day since I blogged about anything. I guess I haven't been very inspired lately. Not to worry though...I've had something brewing in my head for awhile now, so I get to share it here b/c afterall...it is MY blog!
For those that do not know, my husband is being temporarily laid off for five weeks. This will be his last week of work until the first of August. For those of you that know my hubbie, you will not be surprised when I write about him driving me up a wall in a couple of weeks! It will be interesting to see how he handles having so much time on his hands. I better start making a list of projects to keep him busy! :)
Me, on the other hand, well ~ I have my own list in the works. This list is all of the things I don't just want...but I feel like I NEED! In this crazy head of mine, I have come up with all of these things that I feel like I can't live without. I know a shrink would probably say all of this coveting is because I'm fearful of being 'without' in the short term, so I want to fill my closet, my home and my life with a bunch of stuff! In an effort to knock a little sense into this head of mine, I decided to make a list of all the things I'm obsessing over in an effort to let it go. Ready? Here it goes:
1. Prescription Sunglasses ~ why do I feel I need these? I just got some new regular glasses that I wear when I drive. But, it's always so bright out, that I need my shades, but I also need my glasses to see. To solve this quandry would set me back @ $350. The verdict...it can wait. I've been driving without my regular glasses for like four years, so a few months won't be a big deal, really.
2. Clothes ~ Not only am I bored with the clothes that I have, but I 'NEED' some new things for vacation. Plus, I am a weird, 'out of maternity, not quite into my pre-preggo' size, so nothing fits well. In actuality, we are only going to the lake for 3 days, where I'll live in tanks, shorts and flip flops. Plus, I'm working out like crazy, so I'm bound to be back in my old clothes before long. The only real need in this category would be for a new swimsuit, b/c no one really wants to see all of that!
3. A Pilates Reformer machine ~ this is my latest obsession. My neighbor was telling me how her reformer machine has changed her life and she has the arms, abs and butt to prove it! I felt myself getting excited just thinking of the possibility of being that in shape again...without having to go to the gym. What is the cost of this? $300 on QVC. The problem is this: I had an elliptical machine once at home...it got used like a total of 10 times. So, would I use this machine? Probably not. What I love about this is that it has gotten me to think about the 'possibility' of being slim instead of doubting that I could ever do it.
4. A Wii. I think we could use one of these b/c I could do Wii Fit and it would give Branden something to do when he's bored at home for five weeks. The cost for this $250 + accessories. In reality, I would probably never do it (see above) AND my parents have a Wii at their house that we've never played...not even once.
5. A new purse ~ or a new vera bradley tote ~ or both. My bestie, Abby is reading this and laughing b/c she knows that I got THREE purses for Christmas this past year and it's only six months down the road and I'm ready for a new one! I love bags...any kind. In particular ~ I love this yellow bag hanging in the window of a store that I pass every day on my way to and from the office. And the Vera tote ~ I love the Hope Garden pattern and could use on of those to take stuff to and from work...and everywhere else. I just love that bag! In actuality, those things can wait too. I've already got like 30 bags that will work just fine.
There are other things I could list, like a quality knife set, front and back porch furniture, shutters, etc. But, those don't occupy my time as much...for now anyway. I know that irregardless of what I WANT, I can't have any of that stuff right now b/c I don't know what July will bring.
I'm sure that although things will be tight, we will be fine financially. After all, it's not having what you want, but wanting what you have. We might not have awesome workout equipment, new clothes or costa del mar's, but we'll have what matters most...time as a family to hang out and enjoy the summer together. Lots and lots of time. Here's hoping the crazies don't make an appearance. Stay tuned and I'll keep you updated! :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A little late in coming....
This may be a little late in coming, but I thought I would post some pics on the 'Mother's Day' gifts that I came up with for our mommies on their special day. I stressed about this, because a) I wanted to do something special/thoughtful for the both of them b/c they do so much for us and b) I needed something inexpensive because money is not growing on trees at our house. I saw an awesome flower arrangement while I was traveling in Columbus that seemed so simple even I could do it, which inspired me to do this:
This little project consisted of a nice, thick and inexpensive vase at Wal-Mart that is about 4" tall, some river rock and a gerber daisy. Put it all together and what do you got? A simple, elegant and easy gift. As of yesterday, the gerbers are still living which makes me even happier. I paired each with a special photo book of pictures of their grandson, hand tied with chocolate organza ribbon and a sweet card letting them know how much we appreciate them. All in all, each gift total costs about $15 (vases, river rocks, flowers, cardstock, and ribbon) and a little bit of time to put together the books on photoshop. The end result = priceless!
(oh ~ the fact that each flower matched each book cover...that's just a little something I like to call 'perfection!')
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Life Lesson #3 ~ People Will Never Change...
After I wrote the first one of these things, my mom asked me where it came from and why I decided to write on that particular subject. There might be some things going on in my life that prompt me to think on these things, but for the most part ~ I get these ideas in my head and cannot rest until I get them out on paper (or keyboard...or whatever). Tonight is one of those nights. I don't know why I got to thinking about this subject, but it does go hand in hand with the judgement and expectations posts...
Life Lesson #3 then, is to accept that people are not going to change, so you might as well stop trying so hard. You see, we are all inherently born with our personality, our ticks, our habits, our faults and our successes. We are naturally good at some things and bad at others. We are who we are, as God created us and for the most part, we will stay that way for our entire lives. We can try to be different, but even with much effort and sustainability, usually those attempts to be someone that we aren't fail. Me, for example ~ I am not athletic. I have never been athletic. I hate to get hot and I hate to sweat and I am extremely uncoordinated. Those are a few things that aren't very conducive to athleticism. When I was young, I sat down in the outfield during my softball games, making bracelets out of grass. I didn't learn how to ride my bike until I was seven and I still can't serve a volleyball facing forwards. My husband is a workout freak (and I mean that affectionately, of course.) He would live at the gym if I let him and he is extremely careful about what he eats. When I get on the gym-kick and I actually try to go a few times a week, his entire face lights up when I walk into the workout room. I'm sure he would love for me to love working out, just like him. But, I just don't have it in me. I mean, have I mentioned how much I hate working out?!? So, he has learned to accept that is not something that I am going to change...much like I have about his insane use of ketchup (and the other 100 things that drive me crazy), but that's for a later post.
It's funny to me when I talk to my grandparents, all of which are in their late 70's and have been married over 50 years. My grandmother still complains about how much my grandfather sits in his chair, something he has done for my entire life. My other grandmother doesn't understand why her hubby doesn't enjoy going to the movies or going shopping with her, two things I have never actually witnessed him doing. 55 years and these women are still wondering why their husbands act a certain why and have been trying to change them to be who they want them to be instead of accepting them for who they really are. I have also witnessed this in other ways, as couples who go through struggles seem to only focus on the faults of each other and expect them to change behaviors that they have had for their entire lives. It's just not going to happen. Instead of focusing on the negative in others that we want to change, we should work on accepting them as they are and working them into our own lives.
In this world, there are few people who will actually accept you for who you really are and not want you to change to fit their standards. In my own life, I really have only had a couple of people who have accepted me completely and loved me just for who I was without putting any expectations or standards on me. These people are my truest friends and the ones that have known me the deepest and have loved me anyway. Those relationships are rare and hard to find.
For the most part, we are always trying to change others to fit in with our own standards and to fit with our own lives. What we need to do is accept them for who they are and show them true love. After all, All we need is love, right? That's what I thought...
Life Lesson #3 then, is to accept that people are not going to change, so you might as well stop trying so hard. You see, we are all inherently born with our personality, our ticks, our habits, our faults and our successes. We are naturally good at some things and bad at others. We are who we are, as God created us and for the most part, we will stay that way for our entire lives. We can try to be different, but even with much effort and sustainability, usually those attempts to be someone that we aren't fail. Me, for example ~ I am not athletic. I have never been athletic. I hate to get hot and I hate to sweat and I am extremely uncoordinated. Those are a few things that aren't very conducive to athleticism. When I was young, I sat down in the outfield during my softball games, making bracelets out of grass. I didn't learn how to ride my bike until I was seven and I still can't serve a volleyball facing forwards. My husband is a workout freak (and I mean that affectionately, of course.) He would live at the gym if I let him and he is extremely careful about what he eats. When I get on the gym-kick and I actually try to go a few times a week, his entire face lights up when I walk into the workout room. I'm sure he would love for me to love working out, just like him. But, I just don't have it in me. I mean, have I mentioned how much I hate working out?!? So, he has learned to accept that is not something that I am going to change...much like I have about his insane use of ketchup (and the other 100 things that drive me crazy), but that's for a later post.
It's funny to me when I talk to my grandparents, all of which are in their late 70's and have been married over 50 years. My grandmother still complains about how much my grandfather sits in his chair, something he has done for my entire life. My other grandmother doesn't understand why her hubby doesn't enjoy going to the movies or going shopping with her, two things I have never actually witnessed him doing. 55 years and these women are still wondering why their husbands act a certain why and have been trying to change them to be who they want them to be instead of accepting them for who they really are. I have also witnessed this in other ways, as couples who go through struggles seem to only focus on the faults of each other and expect them to change behaviors that they have had for their entire lives. It's just not going to happen. Instead of focusing on the negative in others that we want to change, we should work on accepting them as they are and working them into our own lives.
In this world, there are few people who will actually accept you for who you really are and not want you to change to fit their standards. In my own life, I really have only had a couple of people who have accepted me completely and loved me just for who I was without putting any expectations or standards on me. These people are my truest friends and the ones that have known me the deepest and have loved me anyway. Those relationships are rare and hard to find.
For the most part, we are always trying to change others to fit in with our own standards and to fit with our own lives. What we need to do is accept them for who they are and show them true love. After all, All we need is love, right? That's what I thought...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Home Sweet Home...
I've been out of town most of this week, so I am just getting caught up on my emails, FB, and bloggers. My trip was to the big city of Columbus, GA, which was about a 4 1/2 hour drive with my boss. We were supposed to be going to help with a fundraiser for our JA office over there, but when we got there, the girl in the office didn't have anything done like she was supposed to. So, who got the job done? Me, of course. While I was more than annoyed with her, I really do enjoy putting together events, so it wasn't terrible. The night went off without a hitch and I actually got to sit down and enjoy my dinner, for the first time at one of these things. After it's all said and done, I just love watching it all come together and know that I made it happen and that it was a success. While so many were complimentary of the evening, including my boss and our president, I get much more satisfaction internally, knowing that I did the best I could and all turned out well.
I think all faired well on the homefront and I'm so grateful that my mom and mother-in-law helped out with Rhett an I didn't have to worry about his well-being. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive family. While I certainly enjoyed the DoubleTree in Columbus and got to know the manager of Houlihan's on a first name basis, I am so happy to be home sweet home! We have Mother's Day celebrations this weekend and I have some cute ideas for gifts...so I'll post later on how those turn out. Happy Friday and Happer Mother's Day to all of you WonderWomen out there! :)
I think all faired well on the homefront and I'm so grateful that my mom and mother-in-law helped out with Rhett an I didn't have to worry about his well-being. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive family. While I certainly enjoyed the DoubleTree in Columbus and got to know the manager of Houlihan's on a first name basis, I am so happy to be home sweet home! We have Mother's Day celebrations this weekend and I have some cute ideas for gifts...so I'll post later on how those turn out. Happy Friday and Happer Mother's Day to all of you WonderWomen out there! :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Life Lesson #2
I have posted more blogs this week than I have in the past 3 months! I don't know what's gotten into me. I guess things have slowed down a little, so my mind is free to wonder again. Better watch out!
This post is #2 in my new series, Life Lessons (see #1 for the explanation) and it kind of goes along with the first one on disappointment. So, Life Lesson #2 is............
'Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged'
I promise not all the lessons will be this 'heavy,' but writing about expectations that can lead to disappointment got me to thinking about judgement and how many of us (myself included) spend alot of time and energy judging others. Now, I know what you are saying..."Emilee ~ not me! I certainly do not judge anyone." Oh yeah? Really? Well, let me give you a few scenarios and you tell me whether you've ever had these same thoughts...
~When you see a rather large person eating a big meal, do you ever think "doesn't she know that he shouldn't be eating that? Why isn't she having a salad and a diet coke?"
~When you encounter a mom with lots of screaming children in Wal-Mart, have you ever said to yourself, "why did she have so many children if she can't control them?"
~Have you ever seen someone from your church out having a drink or buying a bottle of wine and thought, "what is he doing? he isn't supposed to be DRINKING! He must not be the Christian I thought him to be."
~Have you ever known a man that cheated on his wife or known a wife who stayed with her husband after he cheated multiple times? I bet you thought, "I would NEVER do that. She must be weak or he must have a problem."
Well, if you have found yourself in any of these situations, then you, my friend, are a judger. The problem with judging is that you are expecting (remember the word 'expectations') others to behave, think and act just like you do. You are holding others to your own standards, instead of trying to understand their position. You never know why the fat person eats, the mom continues to have multiple children, the Christian drinks, the man cheats or the wife stays. You don't know their situations, their backgrounds, or their personal beliefs and you don't really care to know. You just want them to behave, act and think just like you.
It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round and just because you believe a certain way, doesn't necessarily mean it is the 'right' way or even the 'only' way. I wouldn't want someone judging me for my behavior or actions, although it has happened many times. And, I have judged others ~ too many times. There is only one judge, so maybe we should leave the judging to Him and try to understand the other person a little more and expect them to be just like us a little less.
And, that is your Life Lesson #2!
This post is #2 in my new series, Life Lessons (see #1 for the explanation) and it kind of goes along with the first one on disappointment. So, Life Lesson #2 is............
'Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged'
I promise not all the lessons will be this 'heavy,' but writing about expectations that can lead to disappointment got me to thinking about judgement and how many of us (myself included) spend alot of time and energy judging others. Now, I know what you are saying..."Emilee ~ not me! I certainly do not judge anyone." Oh yeah? Really? Well, let me give you a few scenarios and you tell me whether you've ever had these same thoughts...
~When you see a rather large person eating a big meal, do you ever think "doesn't she know that he shouldn't be eating that? Why isn't she having a salad and a diet coke?"
~When you encounter a mom with lots of screaming children in Wal-Mart, have you ever said to yourself, "why did she have so many children if she can't control them?"
~Have you ever seen someone from your church out having a drink or buying a bottle of wine and thought, "what is he doing? he isn't supposed to be DRINKING! He must not be the Christian I thought him to be."
~Have you ever known a man that cheated on his wife or known a wife who stayed with her husband after he cheated multiple times? I bet you thought, "I would NEVER do that. She must be weak or he must have a problem."
Well, if you have found yourself in any of these situations, then you, my friend, are a judger. The problem with judging is that you are expecting (remember the word 'expectations') others to behave, think and act just like you do. You are holding others to your own standards, instead of trying to understand their position. You never know why the fat person eats, the mom continues to have multiple children, the Christian drinks, the man cheats or the wife stays. You don't know their situations, their backgrounds, or their personal beliefs and you don't really care to know. You just want them to behave, act and think just like you.
It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round and just because you believe a certain way, doesn't necessarily mean it is the 'right' way or even the 'only' way. I wouldn't want someone judging me for my behavior or actions, although it has happened many times. And, I have judged others ~ too many times. There is only one judge, so maybe we should leave the judging to Him and try to understand the other person a little more and expect them to be just like us a little less.
And, that is your Life Lesson #2!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Life Lessons...
I've been thinking of starting a new series of posts called 'Life Lessons.' This would be when I share with you a certain lesson that I've learned throughout my long 29 year life...in hopes of encouraging you, or at the very least ~ keeping you from making some dumb mistake like I have. Got it?!?! Good!
So...here it goes ~ Life Lesson #1:
People are going to disappoint you....let you down...not do as you expect them to...fail to live up to your standards. You see, I know a little something about high standards. Throughout my life, the standards that I set for myself were so high, you'd need to catch a jet plane to find them. I had to get the perfect grades, had to have the perfect hair, and had to be the 'best' at everything I did. I am still like that to some degree, yet I don't feel that I am a 'perfectionist,' in the sense that I need everything in order...because I certainly don't. I do feel that I am a 'perfectionist' in that I need to do the best in all that I do. I have that internal drive that does not push me to be competitive with others, but only with myself. Okay ~ enough analyzing me and back to life lesson #1!
By maintaining these high standards for myself, it has caused me to create pretty high standards for those around me. There is a quote that says, ""Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed" - Alexander Pope. When you expect nothing, then you can't be disappointed. I can't seem to get that through my thick skull though, so I continue to build up false expectations for myself and for those around me, and then get disappointed when I fail or when they let me down. It's a vicious cycle, let me tell ya!
It seems that sometimes this happens to those that I love the most, from my family, to past friends, and past boyfriends. Through many trials and many errors, I have learned that no one, including me, will ever live up to my expectations because no one (well there's this one guy), is perfect. We will always be disappointed with ourselves and with others because we are not able to live up to perfection and we all have free will, so we are able to make our own choices, and sometimes our own choices will cause others to be disappointed in us.
The only one who will never disappoint us will be Jesus, because he did live the perfect life and was free from sin. He will never let you down and he will always be there for you, even if it is in ways that you didn't expect or plan for. So, the lesson to learn is to a) cut yourself and others some slack and bring down those expections a little and b) remember that even when other disappoint you, Jesus will never do so, so put your faith and trust in Him and not in man.
And, that my friends, is your first of many Life Lessons to come!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How To Do a One-Year-Old Birthday!
So, I know you all have been hanging on the edge of your seats wondering about how the first birthday party went on Saturday, right? Right?!?! Well, let me not disappoint you by giving you a full recap of the day, including pictures. Because I wouldn't be me if I didn't take every opportunity to post some pictures of my wonderful son!
I thought that the planning of the party was going to be minimal. I mean, after you do a 500 person, $250 a plate, black tie affair, a one-year-old party is a piece of cake, right? Hmmmmm....let me get back to you on that. After we broke our backs and our bank account trying to get the yard spruced up, there was still planning, shopping and cleaning to do, which mostly fell to me. So, I planned, shopped and cleaned until I was exhausted. At midnight Friday night, I had the house spotless, the food and favors bought, and the timeline going for in the morning. The only thing left to do was download the existing pictures and videos from the cameras, get them charged, get me showered and in the bed. That's when it happened. In an effort to download the videos from the camcorder, I accidently hit that teeny-tiny button...you know the one that automatically deletes all the videos without asking you if that's what you really want to do? In an instant, every second of my son's recorded first year of life vanished. Into thin air. Without even asking me. His first newborn days, when he learned to roll over, Christmas, pulling up, crawling and his baby dedication. All gone. Now, I know you are asking me, "Emilee, why hadn't you already downloaded those videos before midnight on the night before the party?" Hello...you might refer to my previous procrastination post. SO, anyway ~ all of the videos were gone. But, whatever ~ it was midnight and at least it was clear so I could get the party on there.
So, Saturday a.m. came and we got busy setting up tables, getting food ready, and balloons up. Good thing I had my handy-dandy timeline done because everything ran like clockwork. Rhett went down for a nap at 10:30 and got up just in time to get dressed and greet the guests, like my grandparents who arrive an hour early everywhere they go.
I was nervous about having enough activities to entertain the kids, but we ended up not having as many little ones as I thought, so it wasn't too much of a problem. My best friend, Abby, who lives outside of Atlanta, sent us a blowup pool and a bunch of balls, which was the big hit of the day.
The menu was hotdogs, hamburgers, the fixins (which I managed to leave in the fridge, only to discover after the party), potato salad, potatoes and onions, chips and sausage dip, which was awesome. For dessert, we had a 'decorate your own cupcake' station, with vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. Guests could choose from toppings like nerds, sour worms, whoppers, all kinds of sprinkles, chocolate, white chocolate or peanut butter chips, and chopped nuts. This was a big hit with the kids and adults alike.
After eating, we gave Rhett his cake that his CeeCee made for him. Much to my surprise (and his daddy's enjoyment), he didn't want anything to do with it. That is, until Branden accidently mashed his face down into it! Too bad I didn't get that with the camera, but it's on video! That is a memory to last a lifetime.
We got him cleaned up and then opened gifts, his favorite of which was the red wagon my grandparents got him. Man, he loves to ride in that thing! The cutest part of the entire day was when Evan, our friends' Jody and Ashley's 21 month old, decided he wanted to pull Rhett in the wagon. Priceless!
After all the hoopla was over, Rhett was pretty cranky ~ so we decided the best thing to do would be to....cut his hair. This was not my idea, but I'm pretty sure my husband was going to divorce me and my granddaddy might write me out of the will if we didn't cut his hair soon. So, my aunt brought her scissors and she got to work. He wasn't a big fan of hers, to say the least. At one point, he started waving 'bye-bye' to her because he wanted her to leave. But, it got done and I have to say ~ he's still a cutie! But, he sure does look more grown up.
All in all, it was a great party! We spent his actual birthday together on Monday, with a trip to Zaxby's and Wal-Mart, a couple of hundred spins in the red wagon and a few dunks in the pool. Oh ~ and I finished the book I've been glued to, so stay tuned for a book review coming shortly!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy Birthday!
I cannot believe that my little baby ~ the one that I prayed for, tried so hard for, carried for nine months, gained 70 lbs. for, and had my stomach cut wide open for,is ONE today! Where did the time go?!? I still remember every detail of that pregnancy and delivery. I don't know if those memories ever fade, do they? I talk to women whose children are 50 years old and they can tell you everything about their pregnancies and deliveries.
This year has been unbelievable ~ so much has changed for us and for him. He has gone from a not-so-tiny, sleeping, eating, pooping newborn to an active, discovering toddler who never stops.Sometimes ~ when he's in the bed with me in the morning, or going down for a nap and snuggles close, closes his eyes and gets really still ~ my little newborn comes back to me and all is right with the world. While I loved and will always treasure that new baby stage, this toddler stage is so much fun. When he discovers how to throw a ball, learn a new word, or find joy in the smallest thing, we discover, learn and find joy right along with him. In many ways, I have learned how to appreciate the small stuff in life all over again and it's awesome.
I look forward to the next year or growing and discovering too. For now, I will cherish where we've been and enjoy right where we are. I'll leave you with the past year in review (I'll post some pics from the party in a seperate post), which was a blast! (Because showing pics of my little boy is my favorite thing to do!). Enjoy!
This year has been unbelievable ~ so much has changed for us and for him. He has gone from a not-so-tiny, sleeping, eating, pooping newborn to an active, discovering toddler who never stops.Sometimes ~ when he's in the bed with me in the morning, or going down for a nap and snuggles close, closes his eyes and gets really still ~ my little newborn comes back to me and all is right with the world. While I loved and will always treasure that new baby stage, this toddler stage is so much fun. When he discovers how to throw a ball, learn a new word, or find joy in the smallest thing, we discover, learn and find joy right along with him. In many ways, I have learned how to appreciate the small stuff in life all over again and it's awesome.
I look forward to the next year or growing and discovering too. For now, I will cherish where we've been and enjoy right where we are. I'll leave you with the past year in review (I'll post some pics from the party in a seperate post), which was a blast! (Because showing pics of my little boy is my favorite thing to do!). Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary...How Does Your Garden Grow?
...with silver bells and cockle shells, or pretty maids all in a row.
Well, not so much. But, this weekend we planted some real seeds in the yard and also some seeds of faith in the heart of our little boy. We got our garden going this weekend, by planting all new flower beds around the house and yards, trying to get ready for Rhett's birthday party on Saturday. (I'll post somed updated planning info. on that later, so stay tuned). This weekend was one of the best ever, since the three of us spend Friday and Sat. in the yard, getting dirty and planting new life to spruce up our place...I mean, we've only been there three years!
(this is our side gate, leading into the back yard. It was previously just a big empty space. Below is our front porch, which had the jasmine, but didn't have anything special in the flower beds. Please ignore the white trash chairs on the front porch. They are from Halloween. Yes, I know we are slack ~ thanks).
(this is the bed in our back yard that is a work in progress. We are planting azalea bushes all around the trees and then will fill in with pine straw. The wire is supposed to keep Dixie out. Yeah, right!).
Saturday night, we left the little one with his grandparents and went downtown with some friends for a yummy dinner and catching up on the porch at Tubby's. It was kinda pricey, but we had a great time reconnecting with them and with each other. We both decided we need date nights more often.
We wrapped up the weekend with Rhett's Baby Dedication at the church where we stood up and declared our intention to raise him in the church and to know and love the Lord. I think it's pretty cool that as I watch those flowers and plants bloom and grow in my yard over the next years, I will also be reminded of that commitment we made and hopefully be able to see the fruits of the spirit bloom and grow in his life as well.
Overall, this weekend ranks as one of my favorites. After all of the trials and tribulations we've been through lately, it's good to be on the other side of it and to have some peace and calm in our lives, to enjoy life and each other, soaking up the Sun and the Son, and loving life!
Well, not so much. But, this weekend we planted some real seeds in the yard and also some seeds of faith in the heart of our little boy. We got our garden going this weekend, by planting all new flower beds around the house and yards, trying to get ready for Rhett's birthday party on Saturday. (I'll post somed updated planning info. on that later, so stay tuned). This weekend was one of the best ever, since the three of us spend Friday and Sat. in the yard, getting dirty and planting new life to spruce up our place...I mean, we've only been there three years!
(this is our side gate, leading into the back yard. It was previously just a big empty space. Below is our front porch, which had the jasmine, but didn't have anything special in the flower beds. Please ignore the white trash chairs on the front porch. They are from Halloween. Yes, I know we are slack ~ thanks).
(this is the bed in our back yard that is a work in progress. We are planting azalea bushes all around the trees and then will fill in with pine straw. The wire is supposed to keep Dixie out. Yeah, right!).
Saturday night, we left the little one with his grandparents and went downtown with some friends for a yummy dinner and catching up on the porch at Tubby's. It was kinda pricey, but we had a great time reconnecting with them and with each other. We both decided we need date nights more often.
We wrapped up the weekend with Rhett's Baby Dedication at the church where we stood up and declared our intention to raise him in the church and to know and love the Lord. I think it's pretty cool that as I watch those flowers and plants bloom and grow in my yard over the next years, I will also be reminded of that commitment we made and hopefully be able to see the fruits of the spirit bloom and grow in his life as well.
Overall, this weekend ranks as one of my favorites. After all of the trials and tribulations we've been through lately, it's good to be on the other side of it and to have some peace and calm in our lives, to enjoy life and each other, soaking up the Sun and the Son, and loving life!
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